Solar Panels for Pensioners Project (SPPP)

Look after your folks this winter!

solar panels for pensioners

Steps to Nominate a Pensioner for Solar Panels

  1. We request you to email us with the Full Name, Contact Details and the Address of a Pensioner.
  2. We request in 50 words why you have chosen this Pensioner to receive the Solar Panels.
  3. Nominations need to be in to the GENI Foundation office by end date: (to be announced).
  4. Also include Photos of Meterbox, Switchboard, Eectricity bill, Council-rates notice and Pensioners card. This is required for installation purposes.
  5. Email your nomination via the contact form below.
  6. Winners will be notified by (to be announced).

All the Solar Package Paperwork Will Require Beneficiary / Homeowner Signatures which Includes:

  1. Contract signed by the homeowner. Once all the criteria is provided a quote will be generated by our chosen Solar Panel distributor, Incredible Solar. The Beneficiary will need to agree and accept the installation and paperwork needs to be signed with the installer. Note that every home will have different roof space and different facing aspects. This is taken into account.
  2. For the installation of a 3.5KW system, a contribution of $200 or more from the selected property owners will be required so they have ownership in their system.
  3. The Pensioner may choose to upgrade to a larger system and will be required to pay the difference.
  4. Electrical Work Request and Energy Safe of Victoria certification which requires home owners signatures on the application forms.
  5. STC assignment form to be signed by the home owner.
  6. Grid connection application with the energy retailer of the homeowner.

Mission Statement for SPPP

  • To improve the lives of pensioners by installing solar PV rooftop systems that reduce or eliminate their power bills leaving them money to go towards other needs.
  • Pensioners like Francesca, aged in her late eighties, her energy bills were a growing concern and she received many phone calls from energy companies wanting her to change over to their company so she could save a few dollars. It was often stressful and confusing. It is something older people should not have to be concerned with.
  • Reliable and affordable electricity is an essential service especially during your 'golden years'.

What Our SPPP Campaign is About

  • Our Federal Government and local authorities know that many pensioners on fixed incomes are under financial stress and hardship and to help alleviate the stress make one off payments towards their electricity bills. You probably know an aged pensioner or a disability pensioner who is struggling to pay their power bill.
  • Having a solar system installed on your house is like having a net that will catch fish every day, rather than being given a fish occasionally. Imagine how you would feel if someone came along and said they will installs solar panels on your roof.

How would you feel?
Wouldn't you feel absolutely fantastic!
It would be like a gift from Heaven, which is where the solar comes from really!

..and it's not only a gift to the lucky pensioners who are chosen, because the majority of the electricity generated by the 3kW systems will be fed into the electricity grid further improving our base load capacities especially on hot days, and increasing the proportion of clean renewable energy.

It's a WIN - WIN - WIN!

Did you know that the entire energy demand for one whole year is delivered to Earth in less than 3 hours, via the Sun. It's our job to learn how to harness this abundance of energy so we can help elevate everyone to a higher standard of living at minimal cost.

Community Contribution

  • The way we will choose our struggling or deserving Pensioner Winner is via a community competition advertised through the GENI Foundation Database and local Newspapers.
  • Nominations will be sort through a written submission. People will be asked to nominate a Pensioner for the opportunity for them to win Solar Panels for their home.
  • The winning pensioner will make a nominal contribution ($200 or more) so that they also have a sense of ownership in their new power supply.
  • The competition will run for the whole month of (to be announced). The winner will be drawn and notified by (to be announced).

Costings For 3.5KW PV Systems Installations*

* prices may vary without notification
* costs and rebates may vary depending on the installation State
Action Costings
Price for one Solar System $ 4,913 Includes GST: Saving $600 per year
Discount from Incredible Solar $ 200
Discount for STCs $1,254 33 STCs (Small-scale technology certificates)
Advertising $ 0
Total $ 3,659
Home Owner Contribution $ 200 (minimum) depending on circumstances
State Solar Rebate $ 1,400 (Victoria) depending on the State
Patreon Contribution $ 2,059 depending on circumstances

100% of the Funds Raised for the SPPP will go towards the supply
and installation of each Solar Installation Project, including:

  • Supply of Premium Solar Panels.
  • Supply of Inverter with Wi-Fi monitoring features.
  • Installation and supply of all the relevant mounting material and workmanship.
  • Incredible Solar will be handling and managing all the required paperwork and documentation which will be sent to GENI Foundation along-with the beneficiary / homeowner of the solar package.
  • An inspection by one of the inspectors of Energy Safe of Victoria will be carried out after each installation is completed.
  • Battery inclusion can be arranged upon application.


+61 418 388 712

The GENI Foundation (ABN: 65 384 727 761)
165 Pascoe Vale Road Moonee Ponds Vic 3039.
Phone: +61 3 9370 1415
Mobile: +61 418 388 712

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The GENI Foundation will never share any personal information without your permission.